
It is not surprising that generally 55% of all inmates in the United States suffer from some type of mental health issue, and at the same time roughly 5% of all adult American suffer from a serious mental illness.  This was front...

Dr. Thomas Grisso, Ph.D. is a Professor of Psychiatry, Director of Psychology and the Director of the Law-Psychiatry Program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Dr. Grisso is the man.  He is the grandfather of all that is competency.  He...

Dr. Michael First is a Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University, a Research Psychiatrist at the Biometrics Department at the NY State Psychiatric Institute and maintains a private practice in Manhattan. He is internationally recognized as the expert on...

We were honored to have the National Criminal Defense Forum on Forensic Mental Health and the Law opened with a keynote speech by Bob Perske.  Mr. Perske has devoted his life to being an advocate for vulnerable people.    He underscored...